Dr. B. Ramanathan

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Dr. B. Ramanathan

Assistant Professor

About Me

  • Date of Joining: 29.12.2022
  • Area of Specialization: Life Science
  • Area Of Research: Myriapodology, Biodiversity
  • Educational Qualification: MSc, MPhil, PhD
  • Experience: 10 years, 10 months, 4 days
  • Previous Experiences: 6 years
Description: DUMMY
Research IDs
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S4PKNTAAAAAJ&hl=en
LinkedIn ID: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramanathan-balusamy-15b531282/
Orcid: 0000-0001-5964-4650
Vidwan ID: 392796
Publon: ITV-3516-2023

  1. Ramanathan B and Alagesan P (2012). Evaluation of Millicompost versus Vermicompost, CURRENT SCIENCE, 103(2):140-143.
  2. Alagesan P and Ramanathan B (2012). Diversity of millipedes in Alagar Hills Reserve forest in Tamil Nadu, India. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY 6 (4):364- 369.
  3. Ramanathan B, Gnanamani R and Chandran G (2021). Evaluation of insecticidal activity of biosynthesised silver nanoparticles against the cotton insect pest, Dysdercus cingulatus, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 12 (08A):42688-42692.
  4. Ramanathan, B and Gnanamani, R. (2022). Millipede Species Enrich the Fertility of Soil in Alagar Hills Reserve Forest. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 1-9.
  5. Ramanathan B, Gnanamani R and Rajkumar G (2021). Millipede - A Review, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 29 (2): 126-134.

  1. Best paper presentation award in International Conference organized by Nirmala College for Women, Coimbatore held on 7 th and 8 th October 2010.