Dr. S. Baskaran

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Dr. S. Baskaran

Assistant Professor

About Me

  • Date of Joining: 29.12.2022
  • Research Interest: Behavioural Ecology, Bat Taxonomy, Chronobiology
  • Educational Qualification: MSc, MPhil, PhD, SET
  • Experience: 10 years, 10 months, 4 days
  • Previous Experiences: 6 years
Description: I am most interested in Behavioural Ecology and Taxonomy of Bats and for that I almost do behaviour observations and field survey over Western Ghats, India. The molecular techniques also used to identify the bat species and to find the genetic variations among different geographical zones. My lab also interests to emphasis the ultraviolet vision (UV vision) of tree roosting bats using basic and advanced techniques. The behaviour of bats also integrate with biological clock to investigate the sleep patterns and their role for/in pre-emergence activities and emergence flights.

  1. S. Baskaran, A. Rathinakumar, J. Maruthupandian, P. Kaliraj and G. Marimuthu (2016). The effect of daytime rain on the Indian flying fox (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Pteropodidae Pteropus giganteus). Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(2) 8499-8502 (https://doi.org/10.11609/jott.1959.8.2.8499-8502). Link: https://threatenedtaxa.org/index.php/JoTT/article/view/1959
  2. A. Rathinakumar, S. Baskaran, G. Marimuthu (2016). Foraging of the Indian Short-nosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus sphinx on banana in shops and on the pieces dropped by monkeys at a temple. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(13) 9579–958. (htp://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jot.2622.8.13.9579-9583) Link: https://threatenedtaxa.org/JoTT/article/view/2622
  3. Baheerathan Murugavel, Anbalagan Rathinakumar, Subbian Baskaran, Ganapathy Marimuthu, Almut Kelber, Hema Somanathan. Effect of artificial light on activity in frugivorous bats (Pteropodidae). J Ethol 41, 91–101 (2023). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10164-022-00771-0) Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10164-022-00771-0
  4. Anbalagan Rathinakumar, Murugavel Baheerathan, Barbara A. Caspers, Joseph J. Erinjery, Perumalswamy Kaliraj, Subbian Baskaran, and Ganapathy Marimuthu (2021). Male chemical signalling to recruit females in the Indian short-nosed fruit bats Cynopterus sphinx. Acta Chiropterologica, 23(1): 81–92, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.3161/15081109ACC2021.23.1.007) Link: https://bioone.org/journals/acta-chiropterologica/volume-23/issue-1/15081109ACC2021.23.1.007/Male-Chemical-Signalling-to-Recruit-Females-in-the-Greater-Short/10.3161/15081109ACC2021.23.1.007.short
  5. Steffi Christiane Ramesh, Subbian Baskaran, Uthandakalaipandian Ramesh, Thangavel Karuppudurai (2022). Neuropsin (OPN5): A Non-visual UV Sensitive Photoreceptor Gene Expression Pattern among Mega and Micro Bats. International Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 10(1): 21-31. (https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijgg.20221001.14) Link: https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=116&doi=10.11648/j.ijgg.20221001.14
  6. S. Baskaran, P. Kaliraj, J. Maruthupandian, G. Marimuthu and V. Elangovan (2015). Influence of rain on activity of the Indian Flying Fox Pteropusgiganteus. Indian Journal of Science 15(44): 6–12.(The result image appeared in cover page of this journal) Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274193859_Influence_of_Rain_on_Activity_of_the_Indian_Flying_Fox_Pteropus_giganteus

  1. Received Young Scientist Award 2022 honored by St. Joseph University, Nagaland associate with DRDO, DST-SERB, INSA
  2. Best paper presentation award in 42nd ESI Annual conference and National symposium on Animal Behaviour, Biodiversity and Human Future which is held at University of Calicut, Calicut, Kerala during 4-6 December, 2018
  3. Award of University Grants Commission-Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) to support both MPhil (2008–2009) and PhD (2010–2014) programmes
  4. Member in International Society of Chronobiology (ISC)
  5. Life Member in Indian Society of Chronobiology (InSC)
  6. Life Member in Ethology Society of India (ESI)
  7. Member in VAAVAL-CIBRES