About Me
- Date of Joining: 29.12.2022
- Research Interest: Behavioural Ecology, Bat Taxonomy,
- Educational Qualification: MSc, MPhil, PhD, SET
- Experience: 10 years, 10 months, 4 days
- Previous Experiences: 6 years
Description: I am most interested
in Behavioural Ecology and Taxonomy of Bats and for that I almost do behaviour observations and
field survey over Western Ghats, India. The molecular techniques also used to identify the bat
species and to find the genetic variations among different geographical zones. My lab also interests
to emphasis the ultraviolet vision (UV vision) of tree roosting bats using basic and advanced
techniques. The behaviour of bats also integrate with biological clock to investigate the sleep
patterns and their role for/in pre-emergence activities and emergence flights.